Friday, March 23, 2007


Want to Buy?

Buyers, if you see a text book listed which you would like to purchase simply email us at hand2handtextbooks(AT)hotmail(DOT)com and we will set up a time and place to meet to make the exchange if you live in Adelaide. If you don't live in Adelaide (or if you prefer) we can organise the text books to be posted to you.

Book Prices

Most of the books you will find listed here have a standardised price which is determined by the quality of the book and the original purchase price. The standardised prices are as follows:

Excellent Quality: 60% of purchase Price

Good Quality: 50% of purchase Price

Average Quality: 40% of purchase Price

For the reasons why we have chosen to use a standardised pricing scheme follow this link.

You will find that some text books have prices that don't fit the above scheme, this will happen in special circumstances such as if the seller wants to sell the book quickly.


At this stage we are only accepting cash payments if the books are collected in person. If you are receiving your books by post we will accept payment by Bank Transer & Money Order (paypal also coming soon). If you are making a larger purchase (ie. multiple books) we can organise an alternate payment method to cash if you with, just email us to discuss.


If you have any questions at all about the text books themselves or the buying process or anything else feel free to email us at hand2handtextbooks(AT)hotmail(DOT)com

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