Saturday, March 24, 2007

Standardised Prices

You will find that most of the text books listed on this website have a standardised price. The standardised pricing scheme determines the selling price from the orginal purchase price of the book and its current quality. The standardised pricing scheme is as follows:

Excellent Quality: 60% of Original Purchase Price

Good Quality: 50% of Original Purchase Price

Average Quality: 40% of Original Purchase Price

Why Standardised Pricing- Buyers

The standardised pricing scheme means that prices are proportionate to their actual value (ie. content, materials, type etc determined by the 'original purchase price') and are adjusted for their current quality (ie. wear & tear which is the effect of them being 'second hand.') Buyers can be sure that they are getting a quality book and still getting good value for money.

Why Standardised Pricing- Sellers

If you buy a book new, use it throughout the semester and it suffers the usual wear and tear, then you sell it second hand for only 20% of the purchase price you are leaving a lot of extra value on the table. The standardised pricing scheme ensures that you will get maximum value for your book when you sell it.

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